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By Linda Lopez
Garnets are intriguing stones that can stimulate both sexual or positive thoughts for the wearer. This stone is truly a symbol of feminine beauty. Long considered a “lady’s gem” the garnet has been called the “Queen of Gems”. Garnets were a favorite to the French Queen; Marie Antoinette. It has also been unearthed in the burial tombs of ancient queens and princesses. Men also deigned to wear or carry Garnets. The Norse believed it to light the night and stave off evil and lead one to safety. Later, during the Crusades, Garnets were often set into the armor because it was believed to imbue the wearer with well-being, chivalry, loyalty and honesty.
Where traditionally reds are for passion and sexuality, the Garnet has vibrant hues ranging from Reds, Orange, Gold, Yellow to Green. There is even a Color Changing Garnet which when subjected to incandescent or candescent lighting will flash amazing colors not unlike the Alexandrite.
When choosing as a gift, consider the personality of the recipient. Is he/ she your lover, child or friend? Color is important more so thank size or shape.
For a psychologist or teacher I would prefer to choose the green garnet. The green Garnet helps to calm or allow patience to emanate from the wearer. For my spouse I would choose cufflinks, or tie pin of a deep burgundy, Yeah, here‘s the “loyalty and Chivalry“ part. For myself, I would choose the lighter stone. One that glints softer colors. I like the positive warmth where others may choose the deep, sexual wine colors. The Oranges and Champagne Gold are quite striking but it takes a good skin tone to carry it off.
Think about the recipient. Their personality, their age, gender. With this in mind the right color will stand out and be noticed, indicating that is the one for you. Take your time. Visually drink in the variety of colors characteristic of the January gemstone.
January Birthstone;
By her who in January was born
No gem save garnets shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity.
~Georgian Birthstone Poems~
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about stones or make you your own personal jewelry piece. Please feel free to contact me at
More about spiritual aspects of stone