
Jessie Woods


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     With the arrival of the fall equinox now is a good time to take a look around you and see things and people through fresh eyes.  During the first nine months of 2010 many have complained of feeling “stuck” with their lives seemingly not moving forward.  Lack of sleep and crankiness have been our best friends for far too long.  It’s time to have a little fun, play and charge up our spiritual batteries.

     My Mother had a favorite saying, “A family that plays together, stays together.”  Growing up I watched as my parents taught us how to play and have fun.  From the youngest to the oldest we played dominoes, cards, board games and if the weather was nice, croquet.  Our house was always filled  with the sounds of laughter and music.  Mom and Dad cut a pretty good rug and taught us all how to dance.  Dancing is probably the best way to charge your batteries.  Once a week we would go for a Sunday drive or an afternoon walk.  Watching my parents interact, holding hands and being so much in love, was a sight to behold.  I asked my Mom what was it about Daddy that attracted her (they were married for 52 years) and she replied “He is the most fun I’ve ever had.” 

     The love that my parents shared inspired all that crossed their path to take a second look at their own relationship.  Do they still say I love you?  Are they still best friends?  Do they still play together?  Do they still laugh at each others jokes?  Do they take walks anymore?  Do they talk and share their dreams?  Do they even have a dream?

     When couples have been together for awhile, the fire that sparked between them, the great conversations and the fun can seem to disappear before your very eyes.  What happened to us becomes the topic of the day.  We have a tendency to blame it on getting older, the kids, even the weather gets blamed.  GET OVER IT!  Dare to make your relationship fun again…Dare to dream about love…Dare to dream BIG.

     Ladies, now that your man has made the first move to court you, it’s your turn to step up to the plate.  Maybe a little flirtation is in order to put that spark back in your eyes. Do you want romance?  Show him how to do it…most men don’t have a clue.  Put some good music on and shake your booty. Hint..hint boys….make a cd of all your favorite songs for you to dance to.  Now that’s romance at its finest.  Have fun with this, don’t make it too serious, and remember to laugh.  Enjoy!

 playing angels